Friday, December 19, 2014

C# combobox duplicate items AutoCompleteSource ListItems

I've found a small problem if you want to use a bind dropdown combobox, that has AutoCompleteMode - Suggest and AutoCompleteSource ListItems: if you have two or more duplicate display members(even with the Value Member different), upon select, lets say, the second duplicate item, the combobox automatically selects the first duplicate item.

To resolve this isue:
Set the comboboxes Causes Validation to False

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Team Foundation Server could not connect to the database after changing the computer

1. Go to IIS - Team Foundation Server - tfs
2. Select Content View
3. Right click web.config, then Browse
4. Edit web.config, look for the old computer name and replace it with the new one
5. Restart IIS
6. Open TFS Administration Console - Application Tier
7. Change URLs