Thursday, October 18, 2007

Speed up DataGridView C#

The DataGridView in C# 2005 is very slow for about 15000 records.
Possibly fixes:
  • none at this time

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Get the file that has been clicked after file association in Visual C# Smart Device Application

Yet another problem: if the file association works, how do you know, in a mobile environment, to get the file that has been clicked.

File Association using Visual Studio 2005 Smart Device Cab Project Part 2

I've found the answer to the file association problem

None of my files are signed, and the association still works (when I click a file in the File Explorer, the app is launched).

I have not found a way to export my registry keys from the deployment project (it may be possible using the ccregedt.exe in the CE Remote Tool, but it would just show the installed reg keys).

So, I opened the cab that cabwiz generates and extracted the _setup.xml file. Inside (at the bottom), you'll find the registry sections:

Thanks to vpborza

Sunday, June 10, 2007

File Association using Visual Studio 2005 Smart Device Cab Project

I am trying to make an installer for a SVG viewer for Pocket PCs running Windows Mobile using C# and Windows Mobile 6 SDK.
The installer works, but I am trying to make a file association. When I click on a SVG file the application should start and show that file. I've used registry keys like so:

+ .xxx (Default Value) xxxfile
+ xxxfile
+ DefaultIcon (Default Value) %InstallDir%\MyApp.exe, 0
+ Shell
+ Open
+ Command (Default value) ""%InstallDir%\MyApp.exe"" ""%%1""

but when I open a SVG file I get this error:
" The file 'filename' cannot be opened. Either it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or one of its components cannot be found. If the problem persists, try reinstalling or restoring the file"

If I open the application directly, it works, and the files are shown, so they are not corrupted.

If anyone has an ideea about what could be wrong, please leave a comment or email me.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Friday, April 20, 2007

SVG Tutorials

Here are the tutorials I've used for my project:

If you have any other good tutorials, leave a comment, or email me.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

SVG Tiny 1.2 Final Specification ?

The latest Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) Tiny 1.2 Specification was Candidate Recommendation of W3C in 10 august 2006.

When will the final specifications be ready ?

Monday, March 26, 2007

SVG Viewer for PDA

SVG images (Scalable Vector Graphics) are two-dimensional vector graphics. Most of the internet browsers have a built-in SVG Viewer, but you can't find a free SVG Viewer for a mobile device. That's the purpose of this project. In conformation with SVG Tiny Specification this software tool intends to view static and animated SVG images, and also offer the possibility to interact with these images on devices running Windows CE.

Visual TLA

What is TLA? Well, ... TLA (the Temporal Logic of Actions) is a logic for specifying and reasoning about concurrent and reactive systems. It is the basis for TLA+, a complete specification language. More info can be found at Microsoft's Research Page.
This tool is an IDE (integrated development environment) for the TLA language, with features like:
  • ability to run TLA files
  • autocomplete
  • TEX, DVI and PDF generation via TLA and MikTeX
  • option for reading settings from CLASSPATH variable
  • error localization from compilation/execution output
More info about this project and its authors can be found at